Some checks failed
Build, Package and Push Images / preprocess (push) Successful in 2s
Build, Package and Push Images / build (push) Successful in 27s
Build, Package and Push Images / sonarqube (push) Has been skipped
Build, Package and Push Images / sbom-scan (push) Successful in 33s
Build, Package and Push Images / container-build (push) Failing after 1m10s
Build, Package and Push Images / container-sbom-scan (push) Has been skipped
36 lines
914 B
36 lines
914 B
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
namespace Wonderking.Utils;
public class ByteArrayConverter : JsonConverter<byte[]>
public override byte[] Read(
ref Utf8JsonReader reader,
Type typeToConvert,
JsonSerializerOptions options)
var hexData = reader.GetString();
if (hexData != null)
return hexData.Split('-').Select(b => Convert.ToByte(b, 16)).ToArray();
throw new JsonException("Hex string is null.");
public override void Write(
Utf8JsonWriter writer,
byte[]? value,
JsonSerializerOptions options)
if (value == null)
var hexData = BitConverter.ToString(value).Replace("-", string.Empty);