name: Test if Server can be built run-name: ${{ }} is building the Server application on: [ push ] jobs: build-server: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Setup dotnet uses: with: dotnet-version: 7.0 run: | dotnet build Continuity -c Release # dotnet test Continuity.Tests -c Release export SONAR_TOKEN=${{secrets.SONAR_TOKEN}} export SONAR_PROJECT_KEY=${{secrets.SONAR_PROJECT_KEY}} export SONAR_HOST_URL=${{secrets.SONAR_HOST_URL}} export IS_LOCAL_BUILD=${{secrets.IS_LOCAL_BUILD}} export SUPPORTS_DOCKER=${{secrets.SUPPORTS_DOCKER}} apt-get update apt-get install --yes openjdk-11-jre chmod +x ./ ./ --verbose --root . sonarqube: needs: build-server runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Setup dotnet uses: with: dotnet-version: 7.0 - name: Install dependencies run: dotnet restore - name: Setup Sonarqube Dependencies run: | apt-get update apt-get install --yes openjdk-11-jre dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner dotnet tool install --global dotnet-coverage export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.dotnet/tools" - name: Sonarqube Begin run: | dotnet sonarscanner begin /d:sonar.token="${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}" /"${{ secrets.SONAR_HOST_URL }}" - name: Sonarqube Scan run: | dotnet build # dotnet test --collect "Code Coverage" --logger trx --results-directory "TestsResults" # dotnet-coverage collect 'dotnet test' -f xml -o 'coverage.xml' - name: Sonarqube End run: | dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login="${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}"